About Me


Hi! I'm Javier. I am a student at wilson and so far i have had a pretty good year at wilson. I made the Volleyball team and the Basketball Team i had fun in both sports especially in basketball becuase of the fun pratices and some of the supid stuff that my teamates did, and the things that happened that were funny. Volley was fun also i would have never would have thought that i was going to be so good at it but i guess im naturally good at it becuase of my hops and height and will be moving on to varsity next year so im really looking foward to playing with new teamates. And i have to say my favorite class academically i would have to say Mr Kongs class becuase of his funny jokes and the things that happen in class overall. Mr kong is especially funny becuase he says that he can beat me in a 1v1 in basketball he hasnt seen me play and i havent seen him play but im sure i can beat him. We always want a set up a 1v1 but our schedules never meet up, its like a paperview that keeps gettig postponed and me personally i want to get the 1v1 over with and beat him before my freshmen year Ends.


Im counting the days as that pass for summer to start im just ready to put in work this summer. I want to improve my vertical and get stronger and improve my speed. I know this sounds like something everybody says when they set out goals that sound to good to be true, and they don't do it like people how make new year resulutions and are to lazy to do what they set out to do, but im seriours with what i said im going to do two sports Basketball and Volleyball over the summer and im going to play both sports at the highest level i can and im hopeing to get a scholor ship from eitheir one.

"Declare variables, not war"